VARIOUS ARTISTS ant ant ant ant ant three

July 11, 2012 § 1 Comment




under butternut tree

ears of leaves

fondle light



Guy R. Beining




for a while

I look at my bike

without me



the way

they fit

in her hand



all of a sudden

the t.v.

doesn’t work



Tom Clausen




skidding petal bruises

on the concrete

rain like butter



small creases in

your information filled with

anxious juices



A. Daigu




a few feet

from our feet

the ocean bottom starts



snow flakes

no one will miss

melt in her hand



Gary Hotham





the many ants

amidst the grass



hearing a car

that never comes

high pine wind



Jim Kacian




stray dog   window reflecting blue sky



boldly staccato

fissures singing along

maps set aside



city limits   bulrushes



year of the pancreas

sandwich for dessert

theater seats upside-down



M. Kettner




my dealer says he’s

worried about me gives me

extra for free



Xie Kitchin




invited to feel

the stubble on her legs

autumn rain



Shawn Lindsay




pebble splash

all I hurl




William M. Ramsey




white blossoms

a fly brings their

beauty to me



Edward J. Reilly




In the phone booth

a little girl

talks to God.



A man asks directions

hand over

his mouth.



Alexis K. Rotella




Thesaurus of whites

Moth of months circling itself

Idiot savant



Dennis Saleh




Wakened by someone scratching at the window it’s the rain again



Hot night   a yellow-toothed moon gnaws at the screens



Turning on the light I become someone alone in a house



Sam Savage




the Loki seed

pushed down in the grey folds

until you laugh



Sean Winchester




Where Am I?

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