Notorious Contributors to MASKS

Notorious Contributors to MASKS

BIRD CAGE – robin hood’s woods; the wizard of oz; confucius; bob cousy; cumin seeds; leonardo da vinci; fantasia; pacman; tom robbins; allen ginsberg; beets; david bowie; montana; ban’ya natsuishi; 2 lbs of potatoes. . .
BRIDGHOST – has been an avid collector of figurines with missing parts (an ear, an eye, a foot) since childhood (primarily the 1980s), and enjoys finding things to replace them with (a dried up ladybug and a cat whisker come immediately to mind). Suckled on music by a violinist and an inventor of electronic instruments, Bridghost deejays at clubs all along the west coast of the United States.
CHIKUSEI – has been recognized by Amnesty International as a Prisoner of Consciousness due to her undisclosed country of origin’s response to her attempts to improve her nation’s adult literacy rate and public transportation difficulties. During her internal exile she has turned away from the written word, composing an interpretation of her culture’s famous epic exclusively with images of dust motes stirred by breezes in the slanting sunlight that intrudes upon her bedroom-sized holding cell.
IL CORVO – Dime-Store Philosopher, Shuffler of Cards, Peddler of Unguents and Salves, Shirker of Debts, Despoiler of Sirens, Augur of Birds, Mincer of Words, Petty Bureaucrat, Rat Fink.
JACK DANDER – Has spent 20 years in the Aerospace and Defense Industries. He currently works with emotionally disturbed adolescents. Numismatist, Philatelist, Etymologist. He holds a patent for a loosening agent that removes adhesives from paper with minimal residual damage. He splits his time between Flagstaff, Arizona and Fairbanks, Alaska.
INNERMON – is known in his circle as the party animal of the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance.
CLARRIDEAU KNOX – died in 2007 while traveling in Sumatra. He was 29. His brother is preparing a posthumous collection of his verse, tentatively entitled The Galactic Aquarium. These are his first published poems.
MAI NOVA – Born and raised near Mt. Unzen, Japan – how delicate the flowers on the side of Mt. Unzen that did not bury half a town. Living now in Sicily – a rocky place – studying astronomy, as heavenly events are only somewhat less predictable than volcanic eruptions. Incidentally, Palermo’s soccer team is hot right now.
MASAKISU OH – I have been on the run for so long, I am no longer certain from whom I am running. I have been forced to change my name so often, I am no longer certain what my real name is. It may be true then, that by eluding my pursuer, I am eluding myself, which leaves me with a final uncertainty: am I in fact pursuing him? Such a life gives me little time to write anything longer than what you see here. Now, I have stayed too long… the name above is no longer mine. Once again, I am smoke.
MS. PARTOUT – “Up, up and away in my beautiful my beautiful balloon.” Oh yes, I’m old enough to remember Nimble bread, though I never sat in a basket in a floppy hat and a floaty dress eating cotton wool. That’s to come.
BELLY PETERSON – His powers include vertical perambulation, audible vocalization, re-cognition (including face perception and voice differentiation), haploid cell production, diurnal vision, controlled mastication, alphanumeric symbol replication, and the homeostatic thermoregulation of his bodily organs. He’s also a collector of organized knowledge bound in organic material. He writes poetry and short fiction in Darke County, Ohio.
MOON REMMUS – His Dadaist poems have been published in journals and anthologies around the world, including Zembla and Sylvust, since the 1960s. Of late he is especially interested in haiku. He has work forthcoming in Parking Lot A, Core, and is/let.
LA SOURIS SAUVAGE – If a man were to wander with heavy thoughts away from the restless city and into the swaying fields of grass, he might feel himself changed. Ears pricked, he might creep deeper into the wood and climb, sniffing, over ancient rocks. He may wash his fears and memories away in the slow brown river, and burrow deep into the leaves and moss of the forest floor. Safe there, he may peer out at the changing world of mist and light, and scrawl short lines on the scraps that line his nest. In the end, he may find himself changed into something new, something good, a wild mouse.
STELLA – is an award-winning veteran of community theatre whose favorite roles include Lady Macbeth and Blanche in A Streetcar Named Desire.