ELLIS AVERY ant ant ant ant ant eight

October 4, 2011 § 2 Comments

Latched With A Leek Leaf



tiny morning glories

piled up on each other

blooming and dying


my feet like breasts

vulnerable and useless

but less decorative


on the subway I smell

someone peeling an orange

ten yards away


cozily dwarfed

by a wall

of lush moonflowers



I stare at pictures

of our dead cat


caressing her own neck

with the back

of a spoon


brick wall broken

by fire escapes

on one a lawn gnome


the dentist takes a mold

cold pink cement crumbs

dribble down my bra


falling thickly

a flock of sycamore leaves

at night I catch one


window gingko

last leaf gone

last night I dreamed of cats



on the park railing

someone’s black thong


vegetable stall


latched with a leek leaf


Saint Mark’s Place

crowded with drunken



nightfall all the mirrors

for sale on the sidewalk

offer blue blue


at the drugstore

balling used tinsel

into the trash


on the sidewalk

a dozen spilled white buttons

all sizes



snow melts faster

on the north side of the street


early daffodils


in the cold


Monday afternoon

on the church steps

fixing her little girl’s hair


all in one night

the forsythia rolled in

loud and chatty


not recognizing

my friend

on the corner


they’ve struck all

their blue-tipped matches

last week’s azalea buds


alone at night

in the new dress I made

eating Thai food


grown too fast

the oak leaves

their splayed tongues


on the hotel

comment card

a dead bug


in a white dress

she crosses the street

bearing one lettuce


orange extension cord

snakes up a tree

lighting nothing



an egg-shaped stone

with dewy grass


floating glint of metal

in the gingko tree

one of my hairs


the morning glories

gain the second floor

half a million dead in Iraq



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